page 2 of the Large Scale. Highlights: The first second and the first formula

Notations 139 to 144 of 200+
The first second of creation completes between notations 143 and 144.
139 140 141 <-Steps->
142 143 144
3.7572×10-2.s 7.5145×10-2.s .15029×10.s T(seconds) .30058.s .60116.s 1.2023.s
11, 22, 45, L(meters) 90, 180, 360,
1.5168×1033kg 3.0336×1033kg 6.0672×1033kg M(kilograms) 1.2134×1034kg 2.4268×1034kg 4.8537×1034kg
1.3070×1024C 2.6141×1024C 5.2283×1024C C(Coulombs) 1.0456×1025C 2.0913×1025C 4.1827×1025C
1.5361×1013 K 3.0722×1013 K 6.1445×1013 K T(Kelvin) 1.2289×1014 K 2.4578×1014 K 4.9156×1014 K
1.74224×1041 3.4844×1041 6.96898×1041 B2Vertices 1.3937×1042 2.78759×1042 5.57518×1042
3.3846×10125 2.7076×10126 2.1661×10127 ScalingV 1.73291×10128 1.38634×10129 1.109×10130
Discussion: All these notations are still being double checked and cross referenced to the other three key charts. We will correct simple math errors as quickly as possible.

One minute and one hour of creation should be noted. The figures at one day (Notation 160), one week, one month, one year, one millennium and one eon (1 billion years) are all important clues to interpret the meaning of each notation.

Key questions about order, relations and dynamics: Is there a formula that begins to bind all notations deeper than exponentiation? Can the speed of light do it?

Formula #1

We start with a most simple formula. Divide each value along the Planck Length scale by its corresponding value along the Planck Time, the result should equal the speed of light (kilometers per second) at every one of the 201 notations.

Let’s see if the logic bears out. First, we will use the closest possible Planck Time and Planck Length multiples to one second, .6011 seconds and 1.202 seconds at notations 143 and 144 respectively.

The first simple calculation: The simple formula is to divided 180,212.316 kilometers by 6.011 seconds. That calculation gives us a figure of 299,804.05257 km/second.

Dividing 360424.632 kilometers by 1.202 seconds gives us a figure of 299,854.103161 km/second. The experimentally defined measurement for one light second is 299,792.458 km per second.

When using a more refined measurement, the results naturally change. Using a calculation based on the ratio of 1.20232257536 seconds to 360424.632 kilometers renders a figure of 299,773.654248 km/second. We’ll have to be careful to test with an equal number of decimal units for time and length.

Every notation has its own calculation for the speed of light. We will do the calculations for several notations to see if it tells us something of interest.

At 142nd notation, .300580643 divided by 90,106.158 equals 299,773.655085 and at notation 145, the ratio 2.404645 to 720,849.264 renders 299,773.673037 and at notation 146, the ratio is 4.80929 seconds to 1,441,698.55 km equals 299,773.677611 km per second.

How about 150 and 100?

At 100th notation, the length is 20.4877678 microns divided by 6.83441261472×10-14 seconds equals 299,773.644861 km/second. At 150th notation, 23,067,176.8 km divided by 76.948644823 seconds equals 299,773.658822 km/second.

Analysis: Of course, it is not at all surprising that the Planck Time, Planck Length, and the speed of light correlate throughout the chart given that both Planck Time and Planck Length are determined by the speed of light.

What is surprising is that this simple formula corroborates the basic integrity of the chart, base-2 exponentiation with the speed of light, and it all begs for further analysis.

We will do it. We will go back through all 204 notations and do the calculations using numbers extended to the ten-thousandths and we’ll report the results within each notation.

Let us now find Formula #2.

Link to Vertex Counts for B2 and Scaling: From notations 139 to 200+ the actual number of vertices will be stored in its own page which can be accessed by clicking here. These vertices open the discussions about the inherent geometry that should permeate this chart.